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    Marine Reflector Magnetic Compass

    Marine Reflector Magnetic Compass


         Marine reflector magnetic compass is a navigational instrument that is commonly used on boats and ships to determine the direction of travel. It is called a reflector compass because it uses a system of mirrors to reflect and amplify the readings of the compass. The marine reflector magnetic compass typically consists of a circular card with markings indicating the cardinal and intermediate directions. The card is mounted on a pivot or bearing that allows it to rotate freely. A magnetized needle or bar is attached to the center of the card and aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field, indicating the direction of magnetic north. The housing or bowl of the compass is typically made of brass or other non-magnetic materials to reduce interference with the magnetic field. It is filled with a liquid, such as oil, which helps to dampen any movements of the card and needle, and provides stability and accuracy of the readings. The reflector system consists of a series of mirrors that reflect the image of the compass card onto a viewing screen or eyepiece. This makes it easier for the navigator to read and interpret the compass readings, especially in low light or poor visibility conditions. Marine reflector magnetic compasses may also be equipped with additional features, such as automatic deviation compensation, which adjusts the readings to account for any magnetic interference from the boat or ship's equipment. They may also be mounted on a gimbal or other stabilization system to keep the compass level and accurate even in rough seas.

         The marine reflector magnetic compass is mounted on top of the steering room. The reflection compass not only has the same precision as the standard compass, but also has the functions as viewing window, reflector, direct guide steering. The compass box is equipped with an optical instrument through which the compass scales can be reflected above the front of the steering room. This helps to reduce shipbuilding costs, improve magnetic field efficiency and make the steering room more spacious.


    1. Accuracy: The use of a reflector system allows for highly accurate readings, even in low light or poor visibility conditions. The amplification of the compass card's image makes it easier to read and interpret the readings accurately.

    2. Stability: The liquid-filled housing or bowl of the compass, combined with the use of a reflector system, provides stability and accuracy even in rough seas or turbulent conditions. The dampening effect of the liquid reduces any movements of the needle or card, ensuring that the readings remain stable and accurate.

    3. Durability: The reflector system of the compass is highly durable and resistant to damage or wear. It is also less prone to misalignment or calibration errors, making it a reliable and long-lasting navigational tool.

    4. Compensation: Marine reflector magnetic compasses may be equipped with automatic deviation compensation, which adjusts the readings to account for any magnetic interference from the boat or ship's equipment. This ensures that the readings remain accurate even in the presence of magnetic interference.

    5. Ease of use: The use of a reflector system makes it easier for the navigator to read and interpret the compass readings, even in low light or poor visibility conditions. This reduces the risk of navigational errors and ensures safe and efficient navigation on the open seas.


    Suitable for large ocean ships fitted with combined pilot. The reflector magnetic compass is especially suitable for tugboats, fishing boats and inland vessels with small wheelhouse space and lots of indoor mechanical and electrical equipment.

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