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    Strum Box

    Strum Box

    1. Description

    Marine strum box is a type of strum box specifically designed for use in marine or underwater environments. It serves a similar purpose to a regular strum box, which is to capture and remove large debris from flowing water, but it is adapted to function effectively in marine or aquatic settings.

    2. Application

    Marine strum boxes are commonly used in marine and coastal structures, such as seawater intake systems for desalination plants, cooling water intake systems for power plants, and water intake systems for marine aquaculture facilities. They help prevent marine organisms, such as fish, seaweed, and other marine debris, from entering and potentially damaging equipment or clogging pipelines.

    3. Features

    The construction and design of marine strum boxes take into consideration the unique challenges posed by marine environments. They are typically built with durable materials that can withstand corrosion from saltwater and marine organisms. The strum box may incorporate specialized screens or grates to effectively capture and prevent marine debris from entering the system.

    Maintenance and cleaning of marine strum boxes are essential to ensure their proper functioning. Regular inspections and removal of accumulated debris are necessary to prevent blockages and maintain the efficiency of the marine water intake system.

    4. List

    1). JIS F7206 Bronze Suction Filter Screen

    2). CB 623-80 Bronze Suction Filter Screen

    5. Pictures

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