Marine Manual Fog Horn - Marine Air Horn - Hi-sea

Marine Manual Fog Horn

Marine Manual Foghorn


Marine manual fog horn, also known as a manual whistle, is a type of warning device used on ships and boats to signal their presence or to communicate with other vessels. The manual fog horn consists of a trumpet-shaped device with a reed inside, which is activated by blowing into it manually. The reed vibrates as air passes through it, producing a loud, audible sound. The sound produced by the manual fog horn is low-frequency, which is ideal for marine applications as it can penetrate through fog and other environmental noise. The manual fog horn does not require any electrical or mechanical power, and it is operated by a person blowing into it manually. The manual fog horn is activated by either squeezing a rubber bulb attached to the trumpet or blowing directly into the horn.Manual fog horns are still used on some smaller boats and ships, but they have largely been replaced by more modern electrical or compressed air-powered horns. However, manual fog horns are still required by international maritime regulations to be carried on board as a backup or emergency signaling device.

The Scope of Application:

Suitable for medium and large ship

Product Characteristic:

No power box, electric control box, solenoid valve, use manual cable to control the pronunciation of the foghorn

Drawing of Marine Manual Fog horn:

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