Throw Overboard Inflatable Life-Saving Floating Platform - Life Raft - Hi-sea

Throw Overboard Inflatable Life-Saving Floating Platform

Throw Overboard Inflatable Life-Saving Floating Platform


In addition to the absence of tents, the inflatable life-saving floating platform has the same manufacturing materials, main structure, performance requirements, forming process, storage requirements, and equipment as the inflatable life raft, but its release method is only cast type.


1. No roof. After the raft is aerated and formed on the water surface, people in the water can board into the floating vehicle from two boarding platforms or any side symmetrically set on both sides of the floating vehicle, which is convenient and fast.

2. The rated crew is more than the inflatable life raft with tent. It can carry up to 50 people.

3. No matter what the sea condition, the floating device will be in a positive floating state (both sides can be used) after being inflated and formed on the sea surface, without manual righting.

4. Because there is no roof, personnel are greatly affected by sea conditions and climate, and are mainly equipped on passenger ships.


Capacity (person)

Weight (kg)

Packing dimension (mm)






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