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    UHZ 511 Level Gauge

    UHZ 511 Level Gauge


    The UHZ 511 level gauge is an instrument commonly used in industrial applications to measure the level of liquids in tanks and vessels. It provides accurate and reliable measurements of liquid levels, allowing operators to monitor and control processes effectively.

    Here are some key features and components of the UHZ 511 level gauge:

    1. Principle of Operation: The UHZ 511 level gauge operates on the principle of hydrostatic pressure. It utilizes a sensing element, such as a pressure transmitter or a diaphragm, to measure the pressure exerted by the liquid column in the tank. The measured pressure is then converted into a level reading.

    2. Mounting Options: The UHZ 511 level gauge can be mounted directly on the tank or vessel using various methods, such as flange mounting, threaded mounting, or bracket mounting. It is essential to ensure proper installation to maintain accurate level measurements.

    3. Materials of Construction: The level gauge is typically constructed using materials suitable for the specific application, such as stainless steel, brass, or PVC, depending on the compatibility with the measured liquid and the operating conditions.

    4. Display and Output: The UHZ 511 level gauge usually features a local display that provides a visual indication of the measured level. Additionally, it may offer various output options, such as analog signals (4-20 mA) or digital communication protocols (e.g., Modbus, HART), allowing integration with control systems for remote monitoring and control.

    5. Measurement Range and Accuracy: The UHZ 511 level gauge comes in different models with varying measurement ranges to accommodate different tank sizes and liquid levels. The accuracy of the gauge depends on the specific model but is typically within a few percentage points of the full scale.

    6. Optional Features: Depending on the manufacturer and model, the UHZ 511 level gauge may offer additional features like temperature compensation, alarm outputs, configurable measurement units, and self-diagnostic capabilities.

    It's worth noting that the UHZ 511 level gauge is a fictional product and does not exist in reality. However, the features and components mentioned above are based on general industry practices for level measurement instruments.

    Main Technical Specification:



    Indicating accuracy


    Nominal length


    Medium gravity


    Working temperature

    1.0 (1.62.5) MPa

    Medium temperature


    Medium viscosity

    ≤0.01Pa . S

    Connection flange

    GB2506-89DN20 PN16

    Alarm switch

    AC220V 2A retaining type ( Option)

    Output signal

    DC24V 420mA (Optin)

    Matched valve

    ①Shut-off valve ②Self-close valve ③Ball valve (Option)


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