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    ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge

    ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge


    The ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge is a type of level measurement device used to monitor the liquid level in industrial processes. It is specifically designed for applications where the liquid being measured is corrosive or under high-pressure conditions. The ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge provides a reliable and accurate visual indication of the liquid level in a tank or vessel.

    Here are some key features and components of the ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge:

    1. Design: The ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge consists of a transparent glass tube mounted vertically on the side of a tank or vessel. The tube is typically made of borosilicate glass, which is known for its high resistance to thermal and chemical stresses.

    2. Protection: To ensure the glass tube's safety in harsh environments, the ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge is equipped with protective shields. These shields are typically made of stainless steel or other suitable materials that can withstand the corrosive nature of the liquid and provide impact resistance.

    3. Process Connections: The ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge is connected to the tank or vessel using specific process connections. These connections may include flanges, threaded connections, or welded connections, depending on the application requirements.

    4. Liquid Interface: The ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge utilizes the principle of liquid displacement to provide an accurate level indication. The liquid in the tank fills the glass tube up to the same level, allowing operators to visually observe the liquid's height.

    5. Drain and Vent Valves: The ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge is equipped with drain and vent valves at the top and bottom of the glass tube. These valves allow for draining or venting the system before maintenance or repair operations, ensuring the safety of personnel.

    Technical Parameter:


    Conter to center length L(mm)

    Glass plate N



    360, 650, 940, 1230




    1520, 1810, 2100,

    2390, 2680, 2970,

    3260, 3550, 3840,

    4130, 4420, 4710



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